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Companion Training

Does the thought of going on a walk with your dog give you anxiety? Potty training not going so well? Do you have a destructive pooch? Or possibly a new puppy that you want to make sure starts off on the right foot? These classes are for you!


While service dog training is my passion, I also love bringing people together with their dogs to create a better bond; one that brings enjoyment to both owner and pup. I offer two different formats for these classes...

- Private Weekly Classes


- Board + Train 

My private classes begin with a consult to identify behaviors that need a little bit of tweaking and to assess how you are communicating with your dog. Anyone can teach your dog the skills they need to succeed but if you as an owner do not change how you communicate with your dog and how you lead your pack, those behaviors will revert right back to what they were prior to the training. My goal is to help you learn how to create an environment and establish your leadership with your dog so that your dog looks to you and trusts you to be their team captain. 

My board + train options are to help jumpstart that process for people and dogs that need a little bit of confidence building separately before coming back together to begin the rebuilding process. These are not designed to give you a completely trained dog, but to help change the environment for your pet so they can gain the confidence and understanding of appropriate and healthy behaviors before coming back into their home environment where I work with you as the owner to learn how to continue the skills and learning your pet has achieved during their time with me. While your pet is here they live in my home with me and my other dogs, go on individual and group walks, receive lots of pets and snuggles, as well as independent learning sessions to focus on skills and behaviors. 

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